Newsletter - 2022 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Volunteer in 2023
by Dug Andrusiek
BC Randonneurs Club Pres. 2023

Hi Folks,
2022 was a wonderful season, with lots of brevets and tremendous success with our populaire rides. As you all know, we are a volunteer organisation and we rely on everyone pitching in. With the 2022 season under our belt, I invite everyone to consider what event or events you will volunteer for in 2023. Paris-Brest-Paris next August is certainly front of mind for many riders, and to make that goal attainable we are offering a condensed series on the Island in May, and for the first time since 2019, we will be running the Fleche and Trace events. As it stands we are looking for someone to step forward and volunteer to organise some of these big events. In particular, we need event organisers for the following:
  1. Fleche/Trace in late April
  2. Cowichan Populaire in June
  3. Canada Day Populaire in July

The director group will be there to help whoever steps forward to organise any of these or any other ride, so feel free to reach out to me or the regional coordinators in your area. We are hoping folks will step forward to organise these events by the middle of December.

Warmest regards

Dug Andrusiek, on behalf of the
BC Randonneurs
Email: dandrusiek at gmail dot com

Regional Coordinators:

        Vancouver Island:  Mark Payten   mpayten at shaw dot com
        Lower Mainland:    Mike Hagen    mike dot hagen at gmail dot com
        South Interior:    Bob Goodison  sorrento13013 at yahoo dot com
        Peace Region:      Wim Kok       ewkok1972 at gmail dot com


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November 18, 2022





