Flèche Pacifique - Main

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

Flèche Pacifique Results Details - 2013

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May 3-5
6 flèche teams - 27 finishers
Organizers: Collin Fingler

TEAMS                   MEMBERS               AGE   AVE.  FINAL  M&M    L for L   AWARDS
                                                    AGE   DIST. POINTS  POINTS
The Substitutes         Guido van Duyn    DNF  51   48.0   434  20832     -    Gordon Bisaro
(Photo)                 Eric Fergusson ©       53                              Memorial Trophy
                        Paul Mathias           53                              (Greatest Distance)
                        John Oswald            38
Flèche Test Dummies     Randy Benz             61   52.8   395  20856     -
(Photo)                 Rob Bernhardt          59
                        Bob Goodison ©         49
                        Ryan Kurz              42
Travelling Willougby's  Mark Ford              72   61.2   394  24113     -*   M&M Trophy
(Photo)                 Bob Koen               60                              (Miles & Maturity)
                        Manfred Kuchenmuller © 71
                        Alard Malek            63
                        Jeff Mudrakoff         40
Pasty White Guys        Ron Himschoot ©        61   56.5   387  21866     -
(Photo)                 Don Jameson            60
                        Dave Johnson           64
                        Doug Migdon            55
                        Charlie White      TA  50
                        Kathy White        TA  49
Flèche Pedalers         Colin Fingler          52   54.6   372  20311     -
(Photo)                 Ali Holt               56
                        Roger Holt ©           59
                        Laura Penner           52
                        Ron Penner             54
Pleasures of the Flèche Matt Dalton ©          61   57.0   362  20634     -
(Photo)                 Elaine Jameson         60
                        Sue Matthews      DNF  63
                        Michael Norman         55
                        Daniel Turner          52

Registered: 29
Starters:   29
Finishers:  27
* no team met the qualifying conditions of the L for L trophy; however, a 'provisional' award of the trophy at the banquet was made to the team with the greatest age spread between finishing riders, which was 32 years, The Travelling Willoughby's.
Trace Pacifique:
2 team - 11 finishers
Daylighters             Susan Allen ©          49   57.0   203
(Photo)                 Susan Barr             58
                        Bob Boonstra           62
                        Doug Latornell         52
                        Keith Nichol           57
                        Ross Nichol            64
RCC Team Club Car       Teri Berisha           --   63.3   202
(Photo)                 Susan Cady             60
                        William Chiang         62
                        Greg Sneed ©       TA  66
                        Ruth Sneed         TA  65
Registered: 11
Starters:   11
Finishers:  11

© = captain
Carol Hinde - Control Cabin
Stephen Hinde - Control Cabin, Photos
Roger Holt - Routes, Control Cards
Bob Marsh - Banquet MC
Patti Marsh
Keith Nichol
Harold Bridge - Award Presenter
Dan McGuire - Award Presenter
Rita Pollock - Award Presenter
Pin Design (top): Ali Holt
Flèche 2013 Photo Gallery