Newsletter - 2022 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
BC Randonneurs logo


Paris Brest Paris (PBP) Info Session
via Google Meet
Date: January 3, 2023, 7:30 p.m. PST
Organized by Mark Payten

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023, 7:30 pm

By now you will have completed your pre-qualification rides. Or maybe you are planning for 2027. The next step is negotiating the PBP website to complete the pre-registration process. Let us look at the process together.

- Meet other riders from BC that plan on riding.

- Get or offer helpful strategies and tips.

- A friend or family member will be accompanying you on this adventure? Get and give helpful tips.

Experienced panelists will include:

- male and female riders

- cyclists who minimize and maximize their time on their bikes

- those who have offered event appropriate event support

Please indicate your attendance by emailing the organizer at

We will confirm receipt of your email. A Google Meet link to join us that evening will follow later.

See you soon!


Go to: Paris Brest Paris web site (Official Site)
Go to: Canadian/BC focused PBP history site (Elsewhere on this site)
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December 20, 2022





