Newsletter - 2022 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
BC Randonneurs logo


2023 Randonneur Executive Committee:
Five members attended at the AGM in person:
Mike Hagen (Vice President), Colin Fingler (Treasurer), Anna Bonga (Secretary), Mark Payten (Member at Large), Dug Andrusiek (President).
Four joined the AGM by GoogleMeet (All Members at Large):
Jaquetta Benard, Rob Nygren, Ron Stewart, Murray Tough.

2022 Annual General Meeting
Coast Tsawwassen Inn
October 2, 2022
by Eric Fergusson

20 members attended the 2022 Brunch and AGM in person at the Coast Tsawwassem Inn, and another 10 attended using GoogleMeet. The meeting was emceed by 2022 club President Mike Hagen. The meeting involved discussions of  a variety of club issues as well as the election of the 2023 executive committee. Special thanks to out-going members Dave Macmurchie and Peter Stary for their valuable work on the BC Randonneurs Executive Commitee .

Vanessa (Bridge) Cowley, Dug Andrusiek and Mike Hagen.

Special guest Vanessa Cowley was on hand to participate in the draw to help identify a recipient for the Harold Bridge's bursery, in memory of her father Harold Bridge, member #9. The $1000 gift will help a member who hasn't been to Paris Brest Paris get to PBP 2023. There were a number of acknowlegements, including the awarding of the Roger Street Award celebrating exceptional club service. (The award acknowleges efforts made in the previous year, 2021.) The recipiant is database coordinator and two time club president Étienne Hossack.


Colin Fingler (left) awarding the RSA trophie to Étienne Hossack.


Go to: AGM Info Page


October 5, 2022





