Newsletter - 2020 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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Permanent Streaks Under Covid-19
and Implications for the BC-12 Award
by Eric Fergusson & Colin Fingler

An informal committee of long-time permanent riders (Mike Hagen, Karen Smith, Eric Fergusson) and club president Colin Fingler threw around a few ideas about the effects of Covid-19 on rider’s permanents monthy streaks and the 12-month award, the BC-12.

Mike presented a few options. There was discussion. Then Colin suggested this:

“If Covid locked out the entire month, it was a Covid month (i.e. never happened).
If Covid locked out a partial month, and if you managed to get your ride in, then for you, that was a non-Covid month. If you didn’t get your ride in, then for you, that was a Covid month. So the BC 12 means 12 consecutive ‘non-Covid months’, so it can accommodate multiple lockdowns if we ‘toggle’ between Phase 2 & 3 over the next two years. Partial month could mean a lockdown of a single day.”

All liked the idea. As did the Directors who ratified this policy on 9 July 2020.




July 11, 2020




