Flèche Pacifique - Rules
BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


Trace Pacifique Rules Summary

The difference from the flèche rules is fairly minimal:

1. 2 to 6 machines
2. The finish is supposed to be in the vicinity of the meeting point.
3. The maximum distance is 360 km, and the minimum distance is 201 km.
4. There must be a minimum of 3 controls spaced at least 50 km apart, not including the start and finish controls.
5. The Allowable Trace ride window is within two daylight segments, from 4pm to 10pm on Friday and also from 6am to 10pm Saturday, although historically (to 2023) Trace teams have only ever ridden on Saturdays. Teams must start and ride only within this time window. There is no riding between 10pm and 6am.
6. Finishing teams must submit their signed control cards before 8:00 a.m on Sunday.

Above text from inaugural year organizer Patrick Wright, February 2010
Modified with discussions with Sophie Matter from ACP in April 2018: Sophie's message (in newsletter).

Go to: Full Trace Rules in French [PDF]