About BC Randonneurs

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

Official Page

Process for Introducing a Club Award

Awards have been a way of acknowledging some of the things that are of particular importance to BC Randonneurs. These awards include, of course, the brevet pins and the Super Rando and 5000s medals which are central to the sport. But there are other awards also: the John Hathaway Trophy, the volunteer pin, the various Fleche Trophies, the Roger Street Award, and most recently the proposed life-time event distance medals. The awards should, and generally do, reflect the essence of what we do in the club: they are an important part of our self definition. It is therefore important that if new awards are introduced, they reflect aspects of our activities which we value. It is desirable that we limit the number of awards to ones that we value highly. The process needs to be open: there needs to be discussion within the committee informed by input from the membership at large. Here is how the process should work:

Introducing an Award Idea on Behalf of the BC Randonneurs: A member, or group of members - the sponsor or sponsors - who have an idea for an award, submit a written proposal to the randonneur committee. Things the committee might consider are:

1 - Is the award relevant to the club and its activities?
2 - Would the award be a valuable addition to the club?
3 - Is the proposed form of the award the best expression of the idea of the award?
4 - Is there a conflict of interest for the sponsor [i.e. will the sponsor be likely to receive the award]?
5 - Are there particulars/details in the proposal that need to be expressed/defined more clearly before consulting the membership?

Consultation If the committee likes the idea, the membership will be informed of the proposal. A neutral member (i.e. not the sponsor) will be designated to collect input from members. This designated member can then present the general membership's views to the committee. There should be an opportunity for members to address the committee themselves if they wish.

Time Frame If the introduction of an award is a good idea one year, it will be a good idea the next. There is nothing to be gained by hurrying a decision like this.

The Form of the Award An award proposal should include an idea for the form of the award. A call for award design might be part of the member consultation process. The form of the award shall be defined before the award is finalized and accepted.

Process of Determining Recipients Most awards in the club are presented on the basis of event distance and there is little room for disputing results. Other awards may be more discretionary. All awards will need to be accompanied by a process of determining the recipient.

The Particulars All the details regarding the award should be defined clearly in writing at the time when the committee approves the award.

Conflict of Interest Some consideration might be given to whether the award being approved will benefit the people approving the award. A committee member might wish to abstain from the vote if she/he feels there is a conflict.

Cost of the Award The sponsor, or other club member, may wish to cover the costs, and/or handle the production of an approved award. The committee could vote to allow this.

Withdrawing or Redefining an Award The process for withdrawing or significantly redefining an award is the same as for introducing one: sponsor proposal, committee approval, member consultation, committee vote. Not all changes to award criteria would constitute a fundamental redefinition of an award. The committee can elect not to go through the full award process in cases where changes to award criteria are regarded as "fine-tuning." Likewise, changes to the physical award are probably not a matter for broad consultation. If the award to be redefined is accompanied by a deed of gift, the original sponsor must consent to the changes.

All awards given on behalf of the BC Randonneurs Cycling Club must be approved by the executive.

Drafted by Eric Fergusson, February 2005
Amended by the executive, May 2005
Approved and adopted by the executive, June 2005