1000 km Routes Page

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

Squirrel on a Stick

Route from Alberta Randonneurs, modified by John Bate in 2004.
Organized by John Bates for June 2004.
Completed by John Bates, Danelle Laidlaw, Michel Richard and Eric Fergusson in June 2004.
Eric's report: Taming the Squirrel


Route Overview:

   0  Cranbrook       97
  97  Fernie          64
 161  Elkford        104
 265  Beaver Mines    68
 333  Waterton        47
 380  Pincher Cr.    137
 517  Longview       108
 625  Fortress Jctn.  71
 696  Canmore        160
 856  Radium         131
 987  Kimberley       30
1017  Cranbrook

(75 hour limit)

Detailed Route Sheet


This Eastern BC, Western Alberta route was pinched from the Alberta Randonneurs web site. John moved the start from Canmore to Cranbrook (because a BC Randonneur 1000 must start in BC.) We renamed it too. And I bet you want to know why... click map below. (Notice that the original Alberta route looked a little more squirrely - bushier tail!)