
BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


1000s - Main Page

Rules & Primer

Routes - Archive

Current Proposed Routes


Proposed 1000 km Routes

- Routes under consideration for 20xx -

May  xx                - contact TBA           Lower Mainland 1  - TBA [----]
June xx                - contact TBA           Vancouver Island  - TBA [----]
June xx                - contact TBA           Lower Mainland 2  - TBA [----] 
August xx              - contact TBA           Lower Mainland 3  - TBA [----]
---                    - contact TBA           Southern Interior - TBA [----]
Sept xx                - contact TBA           Lower Mainland 4  - TBA [----]  


This page is dormant. 1000 km brevets are listed in the schdule in the database.


Notes (20xx):





