2003 Results

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

Paris Brest Paris - Time Results 2003




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2003 Notes

2003 is an important year in the history of PBP Randonneur results reporting. For the first time the official results were ordered alphabetically instead of by time or finishing time. On this site I offered both options for a the years following PBP 2003, and briefly later for the 2007 results. The alphabetical ordering was not popular - very little traffic - so I've now dropped it. You can get the alphabetical ordering by going to the PBP site results. Why did ACP make the switch to alphabetical ordering? Most would have assumed that it was a change in policy sparked by a central controversy at PBP 2003: the poor behaviour, the rudeness of the lead riders "les primiers". This is what I thought. However I later learned that the change had more to do with pressures from FFCT.

For about 9 years my 2003 results list were not taken from the official PBP source, but from an original ACP file someone sent to me. Following PBPs, before 2007, results files were circulated to participating organizations. This 2003 Excel file was particularly helpful. It contained more information than we see on the alphabetical results lists on the PBP site - it had start group info, number of PBPs completed and also birth dates. The ages generated for my original 2003 text file were imprecise - just the years were subtracted. A rider's age will be one year too much if their birthday is between the event and December 31. I've keep a text and an Excel version (birth dates removed) of the original 2003 file - linked below. The main reason I've replaced my original 2003 page with a recent one from the official PBP source is that there have been many corrections to rider data since the original file. We have Alain Collongues to thank for this work.

The DNFs were not listed in the original excel file distributed after 2003. With the help of Mike Poplawski here in BC I was able to generate a 2003 DNF list using the on line track results for the event. It contains the last successful control location of the abandoning rider, so we get a pretty good idea of where the rider abandoned.

I've also included below, the registration list from before PBP 2003, and a few files of more local interest.

Eric Fergusson


The 2003 Stats Summary - 2003 Country Stats.

The 2003 Results including age, #PBPs and start group. Excel version.

The 2003 DNF List with last control information.

The 2003 Registrants list.

Also, two more results files: 2003 BC Randonneurs & 2003 Canadians.
