PBP Plaquettes

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

Paris Brest Paris - 1931 (#1)
Audax Club Parisien Bulletin
(23 pages over 4 issues)

Here are selections from four issues of the ACP Bulletin. The first contains the rules for PBP from before the event. The second issue is from October and features the main coverage of the event. (For general historical interest I have left in reports and results from a few other events covered in this issue.) The December 1931 and January 1932 excepts are ride accounts, both by finisher Louis Ollier. Thanks to Alain Collongues for sending scans of the 1931 Bulletin.
[Eric F. - January 2010]

PBP '31 - Vital Statistics:

Participants (Starters): 60
Women Finishers:
5 (11.4 %)
Attrition Rate:
26.7 %
1st Solo Men:
Alexis COTTARD, Gaston RUARD, & Gaston RUARD (68:30) - 1st overall
1st Solo Woman:
Paulette VASSARD (93:25) - 39th overall
1st Tandem:
Germaine DANIS & Jean DANIS (88:10) - 14th overall
1st Mixed Tandem:
Germaine DANIS & Jean DANIS (88:10) - 14th overall

Click to enlarge:

PBP "regulations" from August 1931, before the ride.


Main event coverage, October 1931.


Ride story, December 1931

Ride story, January 1932
