Permanents Results or Galleries Main

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club


Permanents Photo Galleries

Note: Sometimes photos are sent to the web site with permanent results. These photos are generally linked directly from the results page. Sometimes there are enough good photos to put together a gallery. This is the hub page for these galleries. EF.

October 25, 2011. Permanent #25 "Happy Elephant". Photos: Eric Fergusson. Gallery

October 11, 2012. Permanent #93 "Pathes to Pastures". Photos: Eric Fergusson. Gallery

December 8, 2012. Permanent #30 "Tour of Greater Vancouver". Photos: Eric Fergusson. Gallery

January 10, 2013. Permanent #30 "Tour of Greater Vancouver". Photos: Eric Fergusson. Gallery

January 20, 2013. Permanent #100 "Springs to Springs". Photos: Michel Richard. Gallery

February 2, 2013. Permanent #90 "How Flat is the Valley". Photos: Michel Richard. Gallery

February 23, 2013. Permanent #19 "Sasquatch". Photos: Eric Fergusson. Gallery

October 24, 2013. Permanent #114 "Buntzen Burner". Photos: Bob Koen. Gallery (Picasa - 16 images)




