1000 km Routes Page

BC Randonneurs Cycling Club

Bella Coola
(Not to be confused with the Vancouver - Bella Coola route HERE)

Route was designed by Deirdre Arscott, Bob LePage and Roger Street.
Ride completed in 1998 by Deirdre, Bob, Roger
and John Bates.


Route Overview:

   0  Williams Lake    45
  45  (destination X)  45
  90  Williams Lake   112
 202  Alexis Creek    109
 311  Tatla Lake      235
 546  Bella Coola     235
 781  Tatla Lake      109
 890  Alexis Creek    112
1002  Williams Lake

(75 hour limit)

The distance from Williams Lake to Bella Coola return is 912 km, so you'll need to pick up little extra distance. Why not start your ride by going 45 km north on #97, stop and self control, and then head back to Williams Lake before heading towards Bella Coola - the turn around will be past McLeese Lake, but not as far as Marguerite. This is more or less what John, Roger, Bob (LePage), and Deirdre did in June 1998, the only time this route has been attempted. Although some of Highway 20 has been paved since 1998, you'll still need a mountain bike or a wide-tired road bike. And oh yes... you better pack your bear repellant.