Newsletter - 2011 Archive

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BC Randonneurs
Cycling Club
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UMCA and CKAP 2010 Roundup
from Ed.

The totals are in for the UMCA year-rounder and the Canadian Kilometre Achivement Program. Here are some highlights:


Les Humphreys (Cdn) Trophy: Ken Bonner 33,407km
Woody Graham (Int’l) Trophy: Ken Bonner 33,407km
Harold Bridge and Craig Premack joined the 100,000km Club
Hewes Challenge Trophy to BC Randonneurs (for the 7th consecutive year)


2. 20,515 miles Ken Bonner
39. 4,632 miles Roger Holt
43. 4,357 miles Barry Chase
61. 3,226 miles Ali Holt

Thanks to Alex Pope for passing along this info.


March 13, 2011

















